Tuesday, March 20, 2012


It's day "3" for me doing 811. (The 80/10/10 Diet)
I put it in quotes because on day 1, I binged at night on baked beans and corn chips. STUPID IDEA.
But yesterday and today I have been stuck at home with a sore throat and migraines. Sneezing and mucusy...sexy yes I know :p.
Is it detox or did I catch something that has been going around? I have no idea. I think it's what has been going around at work. But I have hope that it will go away sooner than normal as I have been eating really healthy. Being sick though, I haven't been so hungry so I am not happy with how much calories I have had. I feel that my body would rather work on my illness than work on digesting so much, so I'm eating but just not much.

I tried this diet a little while ago alone. I detoxed a bit and then felt amazing. Getting enough calories wasn't easy being that you eat SO MUCH FOOD on this diet, but my anxiety and depression went away, my hair felt amazing, my breath didn't smell, nor did I have to wear deodorant, I had a lot of energy and had courage to get out and go rock-climbing. (With my social anxiety also gone, I felt like I could do anything!). Why did I stop doing it? I was all alone, and living with my parents and sister, watching them eat the foods I liked, it was so stressful. I thought having just a little bit of bread would be okay...but then I would just have a little more of this and that till I was back to eating the S.A.D way (Standard American Diet). I regret it for sure. So quickly my health took a dive. My phobias were back, my anxiety was back, I had no energy, I was depressed...etc. I always thought though that one day I would get back to it because I knew it was the right thing. Eat to live...not live to eat right? It's so true.

So my sister decided she wanted to go for it. At first I just wanted to lay down and do nothing but then all the memories of when I did it before came back and I got super excited. My mom even is going for it too.

It only took me 1 week doing 100% on the 811 raw vegan diet to see those benefits, so I am really excited to see what it will do the longer I go on it. Reading the blogs and watching the videos from those who have been doing this for years is what gives me the most hope. This way of life is not an easy transition, but it is totally worth it. I'm 23...I shouldn't feel like I'm dying! Whatever diseases I have can be reversed by giving myself the raw materials it needs to fight the toxins and the krap sittin in there.

It's time to make a change....it's time to stop wishing, and start DOING. So here I go :D



  1. Way you go girl! No time for feeling sorry, time to refresh, to renew commitments and enjoy the fruits of your actions! I will be following your blog, wishing you tons of delightful adventures, and easy days, less detox.
